The expertise you require

Seland | Rödl & Partner AS specialises in tax and vat, real estate and corporate law. With us you will find the same  expertise as the larger law firms, but with a more personal touch. 

Et bilde av Lyngdalsalpene.

Our expertise

Do you have questions regarding tax and vat, real estate or corporate law? This is where our special  expertise lies, and we can assist both small and medium sized enterprises. 

Tax and VAT

Taxes and excise duties is an area with a great deal of complexity that imposes exacting requirements for legal expertise and an understanding of business. The tax regulations in Norway are characterised by constant changes.

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Corporate law

Corporate law is the foundation of Norwegian and international business activity. Seland | Rödl & Partner AS is a leading legal adviser and partner for enterprises with corporate law issues of varying complexity.

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Real estate

Real estate is usually associated with the foundation itself of how people live their lives. It provides concrete and physical frameworks for extensive business activity.

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Our trade knowledge

Do you want assistance with accounting and auditing and primary industry? We have extensive experience and can also contribute with international cases.

Accounting and auditing

Would you like us to function as your auditing firms legal department? We have over time developed a close cooperation with a lot of auditing firms, where the threshold for asking questions is low both ways.

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Our client portfolio requires extensive contact with legal advisor globally. We have lawyers who speak german and french, in addition to english.

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Primary industries

Seland | Rödl & Partner AS has for many years assisted clients within agriculture, forestry, and other business activities within the primary industry. Several of our lawyers have experience as legal advisor in the Norwegian National Farmers’ Union (Norges Bondelag). Seland | Rödl & Partner AS offers practical advise to the industry that provides favourable conditions for growth.

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About us 

The Law Firm Seland | Rödl & Partner AS offers solid experience and expertise in tax and excise duty law, real  estate and corporate law. The firm has a goal of being one of the largest tax law practices in the  country. The Law Firm of Seland | Rödl & Partner AS provides clear and practical advice, based on the client's  commercial requirements. 

Do you need a lawyer with high expertise and a personal approach? 

Contact us


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